
Healthy Late-Night Snacks for Weight Loss
People say eating at night can lead to weight gain, but what if you’re hungry? Here are some tips to keep evening snacks healthy so you can go to bed without being hungry.

Eight Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget Plus Ten Healthy Low-Cost Meals
Prices seem to be going up every day, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you stick to your health goals. Here are eight tips to eat healthy on a budget.

Ways to Measure Progress without a Scale
Losing extra pounds can make a dramatic difference in your health risk, but there are other ways to measure progress.

1 in 3: Why Diabetes Should Matter To Every HR Leader
There are strategies and new technologies employer organizations can implement to address controllable risk factors associated with Type 2 Diabetes and other serious conditions.

Lark's Diabetes Prevention Program for Health Plans
Learn more about Lark's Diabetes Prevention program, and how it can benefit your members.

Workouts for Every Level
Increasing physical activity is one of the best ways to lower diabetes risk. The program encourages you to get at least 150 minutes per week of physical activity.

Extra Help for Managing Prediabetes
It's okay to need help with managing your prediabetes! Here are some of the places that you can turn to to continue your health journey.

Cost of Insulin

Serving Sizes and Carbs
Carbohydrates are necessary for energy and are the main source of fuel for most people. But how many carbs are in the average serving size?

When Is Prediabetes Confirmed?
Prediabetes affects 1 in 3 Americans, including half of those over age 65. Only 8 to 14% of those with prediabetes know they have it, so how do you know?

Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes
Insulin resistance occurs when certain cells in your body are no longer fully sensitive or responsive to the effects of insulin leading to other conditions.

Medication for Prediabetes
Certain medications can also help delay the onset of type 2 diabetes or prevent it altogether. But what medications for prediabetes are best?

Low Glycemic Foods List Guide
The glycemic index (GI) of a food is a measure of how a specific food causes blood sugar to rise. We've made a list of low glycemic index foods to help.

Why Treat Prediabetes? Is Prediabetes Reversible?
You can reverse prediabetes! It may be a chronic and progressive condition, but it is one that can be affected with treatment.

Treating Prediabetes with Obesity Management
Effective treatment for most people with prediabetes and weight gain is simple, usually involving no medications: obesity management.

Obesity and Prediabetes

Is It Possible to Reverse Diabetes?
Prediabetes, also known as borderline diabetes, is the stage before Diabetes. It is a condition in which your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not as high as it would be if you had diabetes. If you have prediabetes, you may have no symptoms. However, you are at higher risk for developing diabetes.

Prediabetic Symptoms and Ways To Reverse It
A prediabetic person may only have slightly elevated blood sugar levels, but the body will require increased insulin to maintain it. Symptoms include...

Foods to Avoid on a Diet for Prediabetes
Along with losing weight, avoiding the right foods while on a prediabetic diet can help improve your blood sugar control.

What Is Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)?
Impaired glucose tolerance is one way of saying that you have prediabetes. It is a condition in which your blood sugar is higher than normal.

The Foods to Avoid If You Have Prediabetes
The list of foods to avoid if you're prediabetic is long: but there are healthy alternatives for all of them so you can enjoy your prediabetes diet!

Signs of Diabetes in Men
While symptoms of prediabetes or diabetes in men may be absent or subtle, symptoms of type 2 diabetes can occur.

Prediabetes and Carbs - How Many to Eat Daily
The prediabetic carbs per day that you eat should contribute to a healthy weight and blood sugar, and also come from nutritious sources.

What Blood Sugar Level Is Prediabetic?
Exactly what sugar level is considered prediabetic, and how is that different from diabetes? Here is what you need to know about blood sugar levels.

Prediabetes Test / The Test for Prediabetes
Prediabetes affects 1 in 3 Americans, but the signs can be hard to spot if you are at risk. Find out in 1 minute with the prediabetes test here.

The Best Prediabetes Diet for 2020 | Lark Health
Here's the best prediabetes diet for 20 is here. If you have prediabetes, the most important thing you can do is change your diet, and right now. Doing so in time allows you to reverse prediabetes.

Alcohol and Prediabetes
If you have prediabetes, be aware of the amount and type of alcoholic beverages you drink. Alcohol can interfere with insulin and lead to higher blood sugar

Prediabetes in Children

Prediabetes Diagnosis, Treatments, and Guidelines
Prediabetes means that you are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, but there is more to the story. Prediabetes treatments are possible!

What is Prediabetes?

Diabetes Symptoms to Watch for As A Man
While symptoms of prediabetes or diabetes in men may be absent or subtle, symptoms of type 2 diabetes can occur.

2018 Prediabetes ICD-10
The prediabetes ICD-10 code can clarify medical care for patients, providers, and insurers, and probably for you. Here are the follows codes you'll need.

WARNING: Prediabetes May Cause Vision Loss
Risks associated with diabetes are not offset before. Prediabetes, also known as borderline diabetes, increases your risk of diabetes and vision loss too.

Prediabetes A1C Level

Prediabetes Diet: Meal Plan, What Foods to Eat & Avoid
What is the best prediabetes diet? We've assembled some prediabetes recipes and food choices for a healthier lifestyle.

Ketogenic Diets for Prediabetes
With the popularity of keto, you may be wondering, are there ketogenic diets for prediabetes? We've created a guide to help you get started!

Prediabetes - Who Is At Risk For Prediabetes?
The only way to know for sure if you have prediabetes is to get a blood test to determine your A1C or fasting blood sugar, or as part of an OGTT.

What is Prediabetes?
Prediabetes is when your blood sugar is higher than normal (140 to 199 mg/dL), but not as high as it would be if you had diabetes.

Prediabetes Signs and Symptoms
Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar is higher than normal. But, what are the symptoms of prediabetes? Learn the signs here!

National #DiabetesAlertDay

What Are The Symptoms Of Prediabetes?
Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar is higher than normal. But, what are the symptoms of prediabetes? Learn the signs here!

Diabetes Prevention

Prediabetes in Men: Risk Factors at Every Age
Did you know that men have a higher prevalence of prediabetes than women? Did you also know that only 11% of men are aware they have it?

Healthy Backyard Summer Grilling
Are grilled foods healthy? Depends on what you are grilling! Healthy grilling can be easy and delicious when you choose the right foods!

How Stress Affects the Body in Prediabetes
Stress is a part of daily life, and it can affect the body with prediabetes in many ways. Stress-induced symptoms such as foggy thinking, a pounding heart, exhaustion, upset stomach, and headaches can be all-too-familiar for people who feel overwhelmed with stress.

10 Items Under $20 to Give You a Gym Workout at Home with Prediabetes
Not everyone is comfortable returning to gyms, but still, prediabetes and diabetes won't stop for COVID-19, and so it is important to keep exercising.

Getting Ready to Leave Home Again after COVID-19 Quarantines
Prediabetes treatment is usually possible with simple lifestyle changes. Learn how you can get the most fromyour Lark Diabetes Prevention Program.

Be Well for Life

The Prize Is within Reach

Actions to Get Back on Track

Get to Sleep Faster!

The Genetics of Diabetes and What You Can Do About It
Here is more about how genes may affect diabetes risk and what you can do about it, as well as lifestyle changes you can make.

Diabetes Prevention is Worthwhile...and Doable!
Living with diabetes is far more intense than living with prediabetes. Learn what you need to know to manage your prediabetes!

9 Reasons to Avoid Diabetes If You Have Prediabetes
Here are 9 reasons to keep working to avoid diabetes if you have prediabetes, and what you can do to lower your risk!

How Your Doctor Can Help If You Have Prediabetes
Knowing that you have prediabetes lets you take action to prevent diabetes, and your doctor can be a valuable member of your support team.

Why Breaking Up Sitting Time Can Save Your Life and How to Do It When You Have Prediabetes
The new phrase, “sitting is the new smoking,” emphasizes the importance of breaking up sitting time. Here is what it can do for you!

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau
As frustrating as weight loss plateaus are, they do happen. There are ways to fight back so you can see the progress you deserve!

What is Borderline Diabetes (Prediabetes)?
Borderline diabetes, also known as prediabetes, is a condition in which blood sugar is higher than normal, but not as high as it is in diabetes.

How to Lose Weight Without Stressing Out about Calories
To lose weight, you need to have less calories coming in than you burn. But there are better ways than obsessively counting calories!

Small Changes for Big Weight Loss
Although rapid weight loss diets can cause quick weight loss, small changes can lead to bigger weight loss that lasts.

Online Help for a Healthy Life
These days, it seems like everything is available online. Why not turn to the world wide web to lose weight and manage prediabetes, too?