Prediabetes Affects 86 Million Americans, But Only 11% Know. How Chris Impacted His Odds and Reversed his Prediabetes
Prediabetes is a serious condition, which puts you at risk for developing Type II Diabetes. When Chris learnt that Lark was being covered by his Health Plan 8 months ago, he downloaded the app and started to work on reversing his condition.
Chris's story is very encouraging! When Chris entered the program and began using the Lark coach, he weighed in at 227lbs while being 5 foot 7. That, combined with a family member having Diabetes, put him in the top 1% of those with a risk to develop Diabetes.
Chris got to work with the Lark coach by his side and, in his words, "I couldn't have done it on my own!"
In particular, Chris found the coach "began to get more personalized as I went on my journey. She began to learn about my habits (including the bad ones!) and customized the coaching to get around them, while understanding they may not go away completely."
"Lark made it easy by integrating with the weight scale they sent me, so the data on my progress just comes into my app automatically. She also knows my sleep and activity data without any manual tracking being required. Even with the food tracking, the only part that I have to enter manually, I can talk to her to tell her what I ate, so it only takes a few seconds and she gives great feedback. She has kept me on track to lose almost 10% of my total previous weight, and I feel like it's off for good!"
Chris has indeed hit the 10% goal he set for himself, dropping 23lbs over the course of his use of Lark and reversing his prediabetes. He attributes his success to the following:
"I'd say, if I had to put my finger on a few things, they'd be:
- I step on the scale regularly, and always in the morning so I'm consistent with the amount of food and water in my body at the time.
- I keep my Lark coach on the first screen of my phone, not hidden in a folder!
- I make sure to log at least 1 meal per day so I can get feedback and build Lark's knowledge of my habits; sometimes I log all 3 meals, but I always make sure to log 1.
- I talk to Lark when I'm feeling a craving. That's probably the thing that has helped me most! Craving a burger, a 2nd beer, or a desert is a regular occurrence, and by telling my coach, I have someone to text with, to take a breather, and to consider how I'll feel afterwards if I make a better decision. In other words, she keeps me thinking about the long run!"

Chris is not the only person who has had success reversing prediabates Lark's unique 24/7 coaching platform; Over 1 million others use it. As a member of the program, we wanted to highlight Chris's success and recommendations. Please reply to us at "" with any feedback or if you'd like a success story written on you!
If you're not already a member of the Lark app, we recommend taking advantage of the Coach like so:
- Use the link below to get the "Lark Coach" app;
- The app will open and you'll be prompted to indicate your basic eligibility information, which determines whether the $600 program is covered by your insurance!
- If you qualify, you'll find out and we'll activate the free health Coach + send you the FitBit, scale, and more.
The Lark Coach is the most innovative thing to happen to health in years, especially when it comes to losing weight and preventing diabetes. Lark was named the most Innovative Company in the World; Apple and Google named it "Top App" and "Best of 2016" as well. See how she can help you.