Let's prevent type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is devastating—and expensive. An estimated
1-in-3 American adults have prediabetes, and are at high risk of developing diabetes. However, by making lifestyle changes with a program like Lark, type 2 diabetes is preventable. Using a CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), research shows that the Lark participants lower the risk of developing diabetes by 58%!

A fully CDC-recognized curriculum with a personalized approach
Programs tailored to an individual are more effective, so Lark personalizes each member’s program based on A.I. learning. The Lark DPP includes:

We’ll help you enroll the 85% of those unaware of their diabetes risk
With an unparalleled ability to identify, enroll, and engage members, Lark is the country’s fastest scaling DPP. And we can execute seamless, multi-modal enrollment campaigns on your behalf. The Lark team has developed the best multi-channel mass enrollment assets which are customizable to you. Members can begin their first coaching session in minutes.

Milestone-based approach keeps members motivated
For your population with prediabetes, Lark encourages users to achieve outcomes such as sustained engagement, and 5% body weight loss. Since Lark is a certified healthcare provider, you can also bill through medical claims.
Looking for more information?
Check out white papers and peer-reviewed studies across different conditions and populations to see how Lark is changing the game!
Lark was founded in 2011 to bring compassionate care to those that need it most. Learn about our journey, values, team, and more!
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