We are proud of our content, and we know that our content reflects Lark as a whole. We want to earn your confidence and trust. That is why we have developed rigorous standards for developing our content.
Our goal is to provide credible, useful content that can help our audience get the information they are looking for. We want to be your preferred source when you are seeking health-related information. We want to empower you to live your best life.
We want to remind you that Lark is not a substitute for medical advice, and we urge you to talk to your healthcare provider whenever you have health concerns and before making substantial changes to your routines.
Accurate Information from Top Sources
All of our content is original (except for clearly marked direct quotes from other sources, which are cited appropriately). Our sources include reputable sources, such as the following.
- Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which includes Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- American Diabetes Association (ADA).
- American Heart Association (AHA).
- Academic institutions, such as Harvard's Joslin Diabetes Center.
- Medical organizations, such as American Medical Association (AMA).
Addressing Timely and Current Topics
Lark is dedicated to preventing and managing chronic conditions and to improving overall health and wellbeing. Our content reflects the most recent health recommendations and scientific evidence on health topics. Our health committee is continually reviewing new research and guidelines. If a topic still has questions surrounding it, we are sure not to present it as a finalized recommendation.
Presenting Information on Your Level
Information about health is only helpful if it is understandable. We explain topics using everyday language, not jargon. When the media sends mixed messages, we present both sides of the story and provide the facts supporting each side. We break down complicated recommendations and research so the average reader can understand them.
At the same time, we do not "talk down." We include the important details so you can make your own decisions about your health and what to discuss with your doctor.
Letting Lark's Compassion Shine Through
Throughout the process, we keep Lark's compassionate tone. All of us at Lark are respectful of our readers and users, and our content reflects that. All of those factor into people's health and health behaviors.
Lark is committed to being an inclusive program that empowers people to live the healthiest lives that they can. Lark recognizes the entire person and the importance of managing health conditions within the context of the person's lifestyle. We recognize that people have different perspectives, resources, priorities, and circumstances.
Lark believes that using terms such as, "person with prediabetes," and, "living with diabetes," shows respect for all people, with or without chronic conditions. Lark chooses not to call people "prediabetic" or "diabetic." We hope that this distinction and our personalized coaching will allow Lark's respect, expertise, and good intentions to shine through.
Who We Are
Our team of experts is committed to exceeding your expectations every time you visit a Lark site. We want you to reach your health goals, and we believe we can best support you in doing that by giving you our best.
Our panel includes experts in medicine, weight loss, nutrition, physical activity, diabetes, sleep, and behavior change. We strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information that can help you and your doctor make the right decisions for you.