The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide
The statistics are clear: too many Americans weigh too much. Over one-third of adults are overweight, and over two-thirds are overweight or obese. That means you are more likely than not to find yourself in the group of overweight or obese Americans. Even if not, you may be interested in weight loss to hit a goal that you have for yourself.
Why Lose Weight?
There are all kinds of reasons to get rid of extra pounds. They raise health risks and can interfere with your emotional well-being, too. Losing weight can:
- Lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar.
- Increase insulin sensitivity.
- Lower risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.
- Reduce joint pain.
- Improve sleep.
- Improve self-confidence and self-image.
You do not need to lose a lot of weight to get a lot of benefits. You can expect improvements in health with a loss of 5 to 10% of your total body weight, or 10 to 20 lb. if you weigh 200 lb.
How Can I Lose Weight?
If you are among the millions of Americans who want to lose weight, you need accurate information to learn about your options. Different strategies can work better for different people, so it is vital that you consider your individual preferences and situation as you narrow your options. The main choices are:
- Dietary changes.
- Increasing physical activity.
- Diet drugs.
- Weight loss surgery.
Best weight loss health coach app
You are putting in the work, so you deserve to maximize the benefits. A weight loss health coach app can help you do just that. A health coach app serves all the functions of a regular coach: informing, motivating, guiding, cheering, and organizing. The best weight loss health coach app:
- Informs you about healthy ways to lose weight and incorporate healthy behaviors into your lifestyle.
- Motivates you to keep setting and chasing new goals.
- Guides you through your weight loss journey in your own way.
- Cheers your successes, your efforts, and, should you fall short of your goals for a time, your renewed dedication.
- Organizes by encouraging you to log your food, activity and weight, and storing that information.
Lark Health Coach serves all of those roles, and then some. Lark is available 24/7 to be your coach and friend. Your health coach automatically customizes your program for you.
Lark even learns your patterns and coaches around them. Do you prefer a gluten-free or dairy-free lifestyle? You'll get tips on healthy ways to get your nutrients without eating gluten or dairy products. Do you normally take an afternoon walk? Then do not be surprised if Lark gives you a gentle nudge if you forget to take it one day.